I’ve had people asking about the SVUnit new scripting proposal I posted a few months back. I forgot about it for a while but now I’m back. I’ve taken some of the feedback I’ve received and folded it into a new version. Slightly different in that I’ve added switches for compile and runtime options.
Here’s the help. Take a look and let me know what you think…
This is ready to go. I have a couple people trying it out. If you’d be willing to test-drive the new scripts before an official release, I’d sure appreciate it. Just let me know at neil.johnson@agilesoc.com and I’ll ship you a copy. If all goes well, I’d expect to release this within a month or so as version 3.0.
Thanks in advance for you comments!
A correction I just made was add modelsim and riviera as possible simulator options. they were always possible, just not in the usage. I also received the suggestion of having proper GNU conventions for switches (‘-‘ for single char switches and ‘–‘ for multi-char). That will be part of the polished version.