Simple Clock and Reset Support in SVUnit

Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 8.54.17 AMIn a post a couple weeks ago called Sorry Design Engineers, I Can Do Better, I told design engineers that I’d do a better job of giving them what they need to unit test their RTL. I felt like I’ve been neglecting design engineers and decided I needed to set a new, more inclusive course. Tonight I took a first step in that direction. I’ve released SVUnit 3.10 with a simple clock and reset utility that’ll make it easier for design engineers to unit test synchronous and asynchronous logic. I also recorded a 25min code demo for design engineers to show how they can use SVUnit to unit test RTL modules. Continue reading

SVUnit Topics, Questions and Opinions

I’m looking for a list of discussion topics for a panel discussion that’ll happen at DAC in June. It’ll be a very informal/interactive session. We’ll take a list of topics and cycle through them in a series of 5-10min discussions. Audience will be encouraged to participate; agreeing or disagreeing as they see fit.

I’m looking for topics to get discussion rolling and am hoping you’ll chime in with your ideas. So if you’ve got a few minutes, I’d appreciate you joining the google group discussion and dropping a few comments or questions regarding unit testing, test driven development, SVUnit and/or related. As many as you can think of. Topics could be for or against unit testing, doesn’t matter. In fact the tougher the topic, the better! I’ll take 10-15 and and quote them in a series of slides. We’ll show the slides and invite the audience to weigh in.


Thanks for helping out!
