Agile Hardware is Real… and it’s Partly Your Fault

2013-11-12 10.52.20It’s tuesday… maybe a little early yet… but I hope you’re checking your mailbox. If you’ve been an active member or enabler in the agile hardware community, you should soon have your commemorative 1710 day anniversary AgileSoC sticker.

Step 2… if you’ve got it in you to send me a selfy of you and your sticker, I’d love to be able to post a few of those as inspiration for others to join our little community. You can either email it to me at or tweet it to @nosnhojn.

Thanks again, all!


Update: Here’s a few shots of people taking credit for agile hardware. Love it! Keep’em coming!

1710 Days of Agile Hardware

agilesoc-stickerIf you’ve been watching the clock since Bryan first brought up the idea of agile hardware with me back during SNUG 2009, you’ll know that we’ve been working on for exactly 1710 days. That’s March 15th, 2009 to today.

To commemorate the 1710 day anniversary of, I figured something special was in order. Specifically, something special to recognize the people that have helped fuel this little experiment; those who have helped turn very little into a little more. Continue reading