Let’s have some fun, shall we? I’m looking for people to show their commitment to hardware quality by taking the My First SVUnit Test Challenge. It’s easy and perfect for anyone new to SVUnit.
My First SVUnit Test Challenge
Step 1: download SVUnit by pushing the big ‘Download SVUnit’ button to the right.
Step 2: unpack the tarball (‘unzip svunit-code-master.zip’) and follow the steps in the README to create a UUT and corresponding unit test that demonstrate your commitment.
Step 3: take a snapshot of your code and test result and post it where you and everyone around you can see it.
An example you’re asking? I just happen to have one. My commitment to hardware quality is to verify a development_process won’t produce garbage code.
Here’s the UUT:
Here’s my unit test that confirms my commitment:
When I run my test, this is what I get out:
Test passes. I’m committed. Easy-peasy.
Now it’s your turn. Download SVUnit and follow the instructions in the README to verify your commitment to hardware quality. When you’re done, take snapshots and post them where you can see it and be reminded of your commitment. Bonus marks for people that send me a snapshot of their commitment to post on AgileSoC.com (neil.johnson@agilesoc.com). Double bonus points for creativity :).
The world needs more people that are committed to hardware quality… so let’s get on with it.